Monday, December 5, 2011

Are You a Leader or a Follower

An important lesson shone in the book Animal Farm is you can't always be a blind follower, sometimes you have to stand up and be a leader. In Animal Farm the animals are always following Napoleon which isn't a good thing because he makes them work hard with almost no food. The ruling is unfair and no one is willing do do something about it. If someone had stood up to Napoleon maybe others would have joined in. They could have started another rebellion, and could have been free from his harsh dictatorship, but no one would stand up.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Carer Day

On Carer day my favorite class was computer science. In computer science he talked about how he gets to try to break stuff for his job. He knows a lot about computers and he gets to take them apart and put them back together for a living. Yet he still makes a lot of money.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Spiritual Emphasis Week

During Spiritual emphasis week at my school i figured out that God can speak through anything and everything. He speaks though the process of refining and even through apple trees. This week Brent told us that even the process of refining gold and silver. Step one is to dig it out of the ground this stands for how you know about Christ. No matter how far down you are, or how many rocks are in the way God can get to you. The next step is to clean the rock of all of the rocks standing out. Next pour the liquid metal into a mold and scrape off the stuff of the top. Last put led into it and it pulls the smallest of rocks out of the liquid metal and floats to the top so you can scrape it off.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

People Aren't Always Who You Think the Are

In the book Julius Caesar which I am currently reading I have seen that Caesar has some friends that aren’t really his friends. He has Brutus which he thinks is one of his closest friends that ends up stabbing him and taking part in his assassination. In life people might act like they are your friends but they might just be using you to get closer to other people or to just get stuff from you. The point of this is that people aren’t always who you think they are. Even your best friends might not even be your friends.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Change of social Status

People do still chance after social status. It isn't important because every cause has an effect. Some people want to be at the top of the chain and the coolest people but that isn't that important because what does it get you. The media says that you have to have money, wear nice closes, or be good at something; but that isn't true.

I was inspired to write this post because of the book "The Necklace"

Friday, August 19, 2011

My goals academically this year are to make A’s and B’s all year, play soccer because my grades are good enough, and get an A in art because I’m not good at it.  My social goals for this school year are to meet all of the new students at the school in our grade and to get to know them.  Spiritual I want to get closer to God and have a better relationship with him.

Wordle: Untitled

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Greaser's hair

The greaser's hair is a symbol for their pride and identity.  It was who they were, they didn't have money for cars, rings, or anything else so they tried to make their hair as nice as possible.  They made it stand out and look different then the soc's hair.